Many thanks in advance for any help given. I don't really want to have to do a Factory Reset on my Quest 2. I have both done a restart and a cold boot of my Quest 2 but I still get the smae errors. The version I am using is 176.1 which was updated 3 days ago (20th August). Problem is I am using the latest version of the app. Download the latest version to continue.” You’re using a version of this app that’s no longer supported.
When I try to log in to the iPhone Oculus App I get an error saying “Software update is required.

I searched few places (here and Reddit) and it was suggested that I re-pari my headset with the Oculus iPhone App. Meet a kitty that helped a guy who got lostin an empty town while hiking The only trail to his hostel was closed for off season But a cat showed up to lead him 'she started guiding me along some path' 'She was walking and kept looking at me to follow' Once he found the way home, they parted ways at the bottom of the mountain. When I go to the Store I get an Error saying " Oops! Nothing to show here. My Games, from what I can tell are there but when I try to go to the Explore section I get an error saying " Sorry, something went wrong please try again later". I then put on my Quest 2 headset and followed the on screen instructions to pair my device. So I did just that through a web browser on my Mac. GameSpy Technology, the Glu Mobile-owned service that provides multiplayer functionality for dozens of games on consoles, computers and mobile devices, will shut down as of May 31, according to the. So I got an email about upgrading/updating to my Account to the new Meta Account.