on screen a surprisingly detailed sprite person commonly referred to as "weeping will" cried in various positions that changed randomly. The summary at the beginning of the article was actually pretty decent, the game play consisted of the player mashing buttons on their controller, the button presses had no effect whatsoever on what was happening in game, but they were required simply to keep the game running. On the off chance that there is a woman using this device.HOT! Luigi is 10X more of a man than you and he's the loser of the pair Most of our employees are riddled with disease, and nothing is disinfected, good luck This device costs the same amount of money as the average BJ, think of what you could have bought

Samus would never play with this thing, let alone with you I hear that bowser is looking for a new bitch Princess peach is into men, accept that you can never fulfill that desire with sayings such as.Īre you mentally challenged or a fan boy? wait, no difference! The insulation on the jumper cables was covered in insults, mocking the player for their purchase. this device was attached to the player nipples and delivered a "system shock" at random intervals regardless of what the player did. However these were the only Nintendo peripherals to ever openly mock the player, and the third to inflict physical pain on the player.the peripherals consisted of what was obviously a cheap sweatshop mash up of jumper cables and a snes controller. As this was a game developed for a Nintendo system it did require the player to spend more money on peripherals before they could properly enjoy the game.